7810 Ballantyne Commons Pkwy # 101 Charlotte, NC 28277

Pediatric Chiropractic

Visiting a Pediatric Chiropractor

Many children experience common aches and pains similar to those adults face, which can be alleviated through chiropractic treatment. At Gallagher Chiropractic and Wellness Center in Charlotte, our chiropractor can assist both you and your child in recovering from auto accidents, sports injuries, and other physical traumas that may lead to neck pain, back pain, and chronic headaches.


Why You Should See a Kids' Chiropractor Near You

  • Pain Relief: Pediatric chiropractors are highly skilled in using the latest chiropractic techniques and adjustments to provide lasting pain relief for children suffering from sports injuries or other joint and muscle aches.
  • Improved Flexibility: Pain relief is just one of the many benefits of family chiropractic services. These services can also include improved flexibility through massage therapy, soft tissue manipulation, or child-friendly adjustments.
  • Faster Healing Times: Concerned parents who want to facilitate faster healing for their injured child can visit a pediatric chiropractor near them. A comprehensive exam and treatment plan can help their child or young athlete recover and return to optimal health more quickly.

What Techniques Do Chiropractors Use to Treat Kids?

Your licensed pediatric chiropractor will utilize the latest and most innovative chiropractic techniques to promote healing and overall wellness for your child. Common techniques used by today’s practitioners include the following treatment modalities:

  • Soft Tissue Adjustments: Chiropractors use targeted soft tissue adjustments like myofascial release and trigger point therapy to relieve tension in muscles, ligaments, tendons, and joints.
  • The Activator Method: Your chiropractor may choose to use the pediatric version of the Activator Method, which involves applying targeted therapy with a specialized handheld device.
  • Manual Adjustments: Pediatric practitioners perform manual adjustments with reduced force to gently guide your child's muscles, bones, and joints back into proper alignment.
  • Massage Therapy: Hands-on massage therapy techniques can be employed to identify treatment areas and reduce muscle tension caused by injuries, muscle strain, and chronic pain conditions.

Visit A Family Chiropractic Near You in Charlotte, NC

When you're ready to expedite your child's healing process and help them achieve natural and lasting pain relief from injuries and chronic pain conditions, visit your local family chiropractor. Our pain management experts at Gallagher Chiropractic and Wellness Center can assist you in scheduling an initial consultation for a comprehensive exam and treatment. Contact our office today to take the first step towards your child’s recovery.

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